A downloadable game

In a raghouse of straws, in somewhat addendum to the uncomfortable familiarity of home, the Daughter brings home the pail. The furies have come home to roost.

(GENERAL WARNING: For players averse to flashing lights, looping music, and canon-typical violence , please be advised before playing this game.)

In summary, the return to the normalcy, the traditional way of life, the stagnant, the unchanging, the expounded-upon, is the greatest urge of mankind. This is one of those familiar video-entertainment games based on the works of M.G. and his 2008 work, OFF.  Much like Hugo, You bend this world into the shape you want it to take. You twist and prod until something snaps. You do not care about the nature of the piece. You are ravenous and you desire more. You are an incorruptible force imposing your will onto the medium. Do with this knowledge what you will.

Using the keyboard and mouse, the Player engages with the world. The escape key is used to return to the menu, and the Z key is used to interface with the world. The Player must not forget to download the Runtime Package of RPGMaker 2003, lest they end up breaking the facade of the game world with an error.

For those interested in reference, in short-form thought and decay of language into idio-forms, references to Proper Nouns, this be the game for you. 


☆ World of OFF expanded into new territories

☆ References to familiar things!

☆ A working user interface and battle system in accordance with most Role-playing games

☆ Peer into the space where there is nothing and find something. Something new. The merge of the known and the unknown, the platonic ideal of art.


SUCRE DEMO 1.5.zip 313 MB


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